Photo of Natalie Pizarro

Hi To Our New Followers

My name is Natalie, the main one behind this account. Originally, this account was created to document our journey with our 🌈 baby and to give hope to others that may have experienced a stage in their life like we’ve had. I’m a woman that has suffered with 5 miscarriages, infertility, an unexpected loss of our first IVF toddler. I’ve experienced grief after loss, experienced the process of IVF once again, experienced the blessing of being a mom again, and becoming an entrepreneur during a pandemic. My handmade jewelry business started as a hobby in July 2020 after losing my job. It was a way to bring income during a difficult time. I had felt GOD and Sabi (our angel in heaven) speak through me as I would create these handmade pieces. The more I kept creating the more it felt this is my new path. So I wanted to thank each of you that have continued to support our small business and giving me a purpose to create these meaningful pieces for you. That is the best gift this Holiday season. Thank YOU! 🙏🏼🦋🌈

📸: styled by: @loveandneutrals earring made by me 🥰🦋🙏🏼